Once there was a love deeper than any ocean Once there was a love filled with such devotion It was yours and mine to hold and cherish And to keep for a life time 한때 어느 바다보다도 깊은 사랑이 있었지 깊은 애정(헌신)으로 가득한 사랑 그건 당신과 나의 사랑 평생 그 사랑을 지키기 위해서 소중히 간직했네 Then you went away on the lonely day Once there was a love Now I don't know how I can go on somehow I feel so all alone wondering where I've gone wrong 그러나..
You are my sunshine, my only sunshineYou make me happy when skies are grayYou'll never know dear,how much I love youPlease don't take my sunshine away당신은 나의 유일한 태양이에요.하늘이 흐릴때 날 행복하게 해주지요.내가 얼마나 당신을 사랑하는지 당신은 모를거에요.제발 나의 태양을 앗아가지 말아요The other night dear, as I lay sleepingI dreamed I held you in my armsBut when I awoke, dear, I was mistakenAnd I hung my head and I cried.지난밤에 잠이 들었는데당신을 안고 있는 꿈을 꾸었..
I've known her since we both were kidsI recall the silly things we didShe would want to ride up on my backTo keep from stepping on a crack나는 어렸을적부터 그녀를 알고 지냈지요난 우리가 놀았던 철없던 행동들을 생각해봅니다.그녀는 틈 사이로 빠지지 않으려고내 등에 올라타는 말타기 놀이를 하고 싶어하곤 했지요I didn't think of it back thenBut even when she did not winShe was happy just to playStoney liked to live out everyday지나간 일에 대해선 생각해보지 않았어요하지만 그녀는 놀이에 졌을때도함께 노는 것 그 자..
Everything you areEverything you'll beTouches the current of loveSo deep in meEvery sigh in the nightEvery tear that you crySeduces meAll that I amAll that I'll beMeans nothing at allIf you can't be with meYour most innocent kissOr your sweetest caressSeduces meI don't care about tomorrowI've given up on yesterdayHere and now is all that mattersRight here with you is where I'll stayEverything in..
When marimba rhythms start to playDance with me, make me swayLike a lazy ocean hugs the shoreHold me close, sway me more마림바(목금의 일종) 리듬이 시작할 때나와 춤을춰 , 날 흔들리게해봐나른한 대양이 바닷가를 껴안는것처럼나를 가까이 잡고, 더 나를 흔들어봐Like a flower bending in the breezeBend with me, sway with easeWhen we dance you have a way with meStay with me, sway with me산들바람안에 꽃이 흔들리는 것 같이나와 함께 흔들어, 편안함을 가지고우리가 춤출 때 당신은 나와 함께 길을 가고 있어나와 함께 머물러, ..
At the end of a rainbow, You'll find a pot of gold At the end of a story, You"ll find it"s all been told 무지개 끝에 이르면, 금단지를 발견하게 될거에요. 이야기의 끝에 이르면, 모든 얘기가 전해졌다는걸 알게 될거에요.But our love has a treasure Our hearts always spend And it has a story without any end 우리 마음에는 언제나 함께 쓰던 소중한 보물이 있지요. 그 것은 끝이 없는 이야기를 지니고 있죠.. At the end of a river, The water stops its flow At the end of a highway, There"s no pla..
Why you wanna tell me how to live my life?Who are you to tell me if it's black or white?Momma, can you help me try to understandIs innocence the difference 'tween a boy and a man?My daddy lived to die, that's just the price that he paidSacrificed his life just slaving away니가 먼데 내삶에 이래라 저래라냐?니가 먼데 흑이냐 백이냐 말하냐?엄마, 이해좀하게 도와줘순수함이 꼬마와 남자의 차이점이냐?우리 아빠는 거짓된 삶을 살았고, 그의 인생을 노예처럼 살아온 값을 치룬거지Oh, if there's..
I started a joke, which started the whole world crying, 나는 장난을 시작했어요 그러자 온 세상이 울기 시작했어요,But I didn't see that the joke was on me, oh no. 하지만 그 장난이 내게 돌아오는 것을 나는 알지 못했어요, 아, 안돼.I started to cry, which started the whole world laughing,나는 울기 시작했어요, 그러자 온 세상이 웃기 시작했어요,Oh, if I'd only seen that the joke was on me아, 만일 그 장난이 내게 돌아오는 것을 알았더라면.I looked at the skies,running my hands over my eyes,나는 하늘을 바..
There'll be no strings to bind your hands 당신의 두 손을 묶을 끈은 없을 거예요Not if my love can find your heart 나의 사랑이 당신의 마음을 얻을 수 없다면요And there's no need to take a stand그리고 내가 단호하게 나올 필요는 없지요For it was I who chose to start사랑의 시작을 선택한 건 나였으니까요I see no need to take me home 집으로 데려다줄 필요는 없다고 생각해요I'm old enough to face the dawn 난 새벽을 맞이할 만큼 충분히 성장했으니까요Just call me angel of the morning, angel내게 아침의 천사를 불러줘요, 천사를..
Memories are all that you have left me, No more I'll see the love shine in your eyes And the tender words you spoke to me so softly Are as far away as the stars up in the sky당신이 내게 남겨 준 것은 추억뿐 그대 눈에서 빛나는 사랑 더 이상 볼 수 없겠죠 상냥하게 말해주던 당신의 다정한 말들이 하늘의 별들만큼이나 멀리 멀리 떨어져 있어요You're far away from me and I am so lonely Since you left I am slowly losing my mind It seems like only yesterday I had you with me ..