You're the kind of guy that I gotta keep awayBut It's all- rightYou know you can't deny It's the price I've gotta payBut It's all- right 당신은 내가 피해다녀야만 할 그런 종류의 남자에요.하지만 괜찮아요.내가 지불해야 할 대가에 대해 부정할 수 없음을 알 거에요.하지만 괜찮아요. Cause though your lips are sweet as honeyYour heart is made of solid stoneOne look and boy you got me runnin'I bet you saw me comin' after you alone- 왜냐하면 비록 당신의 입술은 꿀처럼 달콤해도당신의 마음은..
Baby, can’t you see그대여, 모르겠나요 I’m calling a guy like you난 부르고 있잖아요 당신같은 남자를 Should wear a warning경고가 필요한가요 It’s dangerous I’m fallin’위험하죠 난 빠져들고 있다고요 There’s no escape I can’t hide탈출구도 없어요 난 숨을 곳이 없어요 I need a hit Baby, give me it난 당신과의 만남이 필요하다구요 그대여, 날 만나줘요 You’re dangerous I’m lovin’ it당신은 위험한 존재죠 난 그 자체를 사랑해요 Too high Can’t come down너무나 높아서 내려올 수 없죠 Losing my head Spinning ‘round an..
Exodus, movement of Jah people, oh yeah Open your eyes and let me tell you this Men and people will fight ya down (Tell me why?) when ya see Jah light Let me tell you, if you're not wrong (Then why?) ev'rything is alright So we gonna walk, alright, through the roads of creation We're the generation (Tell me why) trod through great tribulation Exodus, movement of Jah people Exodus, movement of Ja..
Yo I'll tell you what I want, what I really really wantSo tell me what you want, what you really really wantI'll tell you what I want, what I really really wantSo tell me what you want, what you really really wantI wanna, I wanna really really really wanna zigzig ha-자, 내가 진짜로 뭘 원하는지 말할테니까너도 니가 진짜로 뭘 원하는지 말해봐내가 진짜로 뭘 원하는지 말할테니까너도 니가 진짜로 뭘 원하는지 말해봐내가 진짜, 진짜, 진짜 뭘 원하냐면-If you want my future forget..
She's into superstitions black cats and voodoo dollsI feel a premonition that girls's gonna make me fall 그녀는 검은 고양이나 부두교 인형같은미신의 세계에 빠져 있어요그녀가 날 몰락시킬 것 같은 징조를 느껴요She's into new sensations new kicks in the candlelightShe's got a new addiction for every day and night촛불 아래 새로운 자극으로 흥분에 빠져 있어요매일 밤낮으로 새로운 것에 탐닉하게 된 거죠She'll make you take your clothes off and go dancing in the rainShe'll make you live..
My grades are down from A's to D's 성적이 A에서 D로 떨어졌어 I'm way behind in history 역사성적은 완전 바닥이야 I lost myself in fantasies of you and me together 난 환상에 빠졌어 너와 내가 함께 있는 I don't know why i i i but dreaming's all i do 나도 왜그런지는 모르겠지만 난 꿈만 꿔 I won't get by i i i on mere imaginatain 난 상상만으로 만족하지 않을거야 Upside down bouncing off the ceiling 엉망진창 천장에서 떨어져 튀어오르고 있어 Inside out stranger to this feeling 뒤죽박죽 이런 느낌은..
Try to remember the kind of SeptemberWhen life was slow and oh so mellowTry to remember the kind of SeptemberWhen grass was green and grain was yellow기억해 보세요. 9월의 그 나날을 삶이 여유있고 달콤했던 그 날들을기억해 보세요. 9월의 그 나날을초원은 푸르렀고 곡식은 여물어 갔죠.Try to remember the kind of SeptemberWhen you were a tender and callow fellowTry to remember and if you remember Then follow, follow기억해 보세요. 이런 9월의 나날을 그대는 여리고 풋풋했던 젊은 나날을기억..
Made it through the wilderness Made it through the wilderness Somehow I made it through Didn't know how lost I was Until I found you거친 황야를 헤쳐 나와어떻게든 일을 해내었죠당신을 찾기까지 내가 얼마를 헤매었는지 난 잘 몰랐어요I was beat incomplete I'd been had, I was sad and blue But you made me feel Yeah, you made me feel Shiny and new심장 고동은 완전치 못했어요내가 지내온동안은, 슬프고 우울했죠하지만 당신이 나를 만들어 줬죠그래요, 당신이 나를...빛이 나고 새롭게 해 주었어요Like a virgin Touch..
I'm a love em and leave emTouch and thease em kinda girlI'm the perfect type for one wild night나는 사랑을 주고 떠나버리는어루만지며 장난이나 쳐버리는 부류의 그런 여자야.난 하룻밤 장난에 정말 그만인 여자야.Yeah I suffocate quickDoes that make me a bitchI don't really care though응 난 금방 숨이 막혀.이런점으로 보면 난 나쁜 여자인건가그래도 난 그다지 상관안해Well your roses were sweet really swept me off my feetBut I start to choke when you say let's elopeYeah I suffocate quick..
Oops!... I Did It Again (웁스!... 또 다시 일을 저질렀네) Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah (예 예 예 예 예 예~) Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah (예 예 예 예 예 예~) I think I did it again (또 다시 한 것같아) I made you believe we're more than just friends (우리는 단지 친한 친구 사이가 아니라고 생각 하게 만든 것 같아) Oh baby It might seem like a crush (오우 베이비~ 너를 좋아 하는 것처럼 여겨질지 몰라) But it doesn't mean that I'm serious (하지만 그렇다고 해서 내가 심각 하다는 뜻은 아니야) 'Cause..