Jesus You alone shall be My first love my first love, The secret place and highest praise Shall be yours shall be yours To Your throne i'll bring devotion May it be the sweetest sound Lord this heart is reaching for You now So I'll set my sights upon You Set my life upon Your praise Never looking to another way Day and night I lift my eyes To seek You to seek you Hungry for a glimpse of You In g..
Wonderful so wonderful is your unfailing loveYour cross is spoken mercy over meNo eye has seen, no ear has heard,no heart can fully knowHow glorious, how beautiful you areBeautiful one I love아름답고 아름다우신 주의 그 사랑주의 십자가는 나를 덮는 그 자비를 말합니다볼 수도 없고 들을 수도 없으며어떠한 생각도 알 수 없는얼마나 영광스러우신지 얼마나 아름다우신지아름다우신 주여 사랑합니다 Beautiful one I adoreBeautiful one my soul must singPowerful so powerful Your glory fills the ski..
The greatest day in history, Death is beaten You have rescued me Sing it out Jesus is alive 역사상 가장 위대한 날 죽음 이기고 날 구하셨네 소리쳐 찬양해 예수 사셨네 The empty cross, The empty grave Life eternal You have won the day Shout it out Jesus is alive He's alive 비어있는 십자가 텅 빈 무덤 영원한 생명 승리의 날 주셨네 소리쳐 예수 사셨네 예수 사셨네 Oh happy day, happy day You washed my sin away Oh happy day, happy day I'll never be the same Fo..