Most holy Lord You have my attentionYou know my thoughts And all my intentions지극히 거룩하신 주 하나님 주님은 내 관심을내 생각을 알고 계시죠 그리고 내 하고자 하는 모든 것을I want to honor You in every wayI pour my love on YouMy whole life belongs to YouI worship You completely unashamed모든 방법으로 주님께 영광드리길 원합니다.내 사랑을 주께 쏫아드립니다.내 모든 삶이 주께 속했으니부끄럼 없는 온전한 예배를 드립니다.I give You my heart unrestrainedAlmighty God You have my devotionWith all my..
Feels like I've been holding my breathTrying to still my restless heartEverything hangs on my next stepFinding my nerve, playing my part I found shelter underneath His crownFound favor inside His eyesRock this boat and I just might drownHonesty seemed to come with a price There's a time to hold your tongueTime to keep your head downThere's a time but it's not now Sometimes you gotta go uninvited..
Some people try to listen to the bottom of a bottleSome people try to listen to a needle in their armsSome people try to listen to the money in their pocketSome people try to listen to another's arms 어떤 사람들은 병 바닥소리를 들으며 술독에 푹 빠지려 한다.어떤 사람들은 자신의 팔에 주사 맞는 고통의 소리를 어떤 사람들은 자신의 주머니 사정을 헤아려 보려 한다어떤 사람들은 다른 사람의 품을 생각하며 안고 싶어 한다. You and I are not that differentWe got a void and we're just trying to fil..