Melinda was mine 'Til the time That I found her Holding Jim Loving Him Then Sue came along Loved me strong That's what I thought Me and Sue But that died too Melinda가 Jim을 사랑한다는 걸 알기 전까지 그녀는 내 여자였지 그 때 sue가 내게로 다가와 나를 많이 사랑했던거야 하지만 그녀와의 사랑도 곧 끝났지 Don't know that I will Part until I can find me The girl who'll stay And won't play games behind me I'll be what I am A solitary man Solitary man 내가 다시..
Where it began,I can't begin to knowin'어디서부터 시작됐을까요 난 알 수가 없어요But then I know it's growing strong하지만 점점 더 강해지고 있다는 걸 알아요Was in the spring And spring became the summer봄이었죠 그리고 봄이 가고 여름이 왔죠Who'd have believed you'd come along.당신이 나타날 줄 누가 알았겠어요.Hands, touchin' hands손길, 어루만지는 손길Reachin' out, touchin' me, touchin' you손을 내밀어, 날 어루만지고, 당신을 어루만지죠Sweet Caroline Good times never seemed so good사랑스러운 캐롤라인 ..