My life goes on in endless song 땅의 통곡하는 소리를 넘어서,above earth"s lamentations, 나의 삶은 끊임없는 노래로 계속되어요I hear the real, though far-off hymnthat hails a new creation.멀리서 들려오지만 새로운 창조를 축하하는 진정한 찬가를 들어요Through all the tumult and the strife모든 소요와 투쟁 속에서도 I hear it"s music ringing,난 그 음악이 울려 퍼짐을 들어요It sounds an echo in my soul. 나의 영혼에 메아리쳐 들려요How can I keep from singing 어떻게 내가 노래를 그만둘 수 있나요While though ..
Far away in the depths of my spirit tonightRolls a melody sweeter than psalm;In celestial strains it unceasingly fallsO’er my soul like an infinite calm.Peace, peace, wonderful peace,Coming down from the Father above!Sweep over my spirit forever, I prayIn fathomless billows of love!What a treasure I have in this wonderful peace,Buried deep in the heart of my soul,So secure that no power can mine..