I stand before You Lord and give you all my praiseYour love is all that I need Jesus you're all I needMy life belongs to You You gave Your life for meYour grace is all that I need Jesus You're all I need Hold me in Your arms never let me goI want spend eternity with You..Now that You're near. Everything is differentEverythin's so different now I know I'm not the same my life you've changedI want..
I stand before You Lord and give you all my praiseYour love is all that I need Jesus you're all I needMy life belongs to You You gave Your life for meYour grace is all that I need Jesus You're all I needHold me in Your arms never let me goI want spend eternity with You..Now that You're near. Everything is differentEverythin's so different now I know I'm not the same my life you've changedI want ..