-- Lyrics --Into your hand I commit again With all I am For you LordYou hold my world In the palm of your hand And I`m yours forever (CHORUS) Jesus I believe in you Jesus I belong to you You`re the reason that I live The reason that I sing With all I am. I`ll walk with you Wherever you go Through tears and joy I`ll trust in you And I will live In all of your ways and Your promises foreve..
Oh Lord, You’ve searched me. You know my way. Even when I fail You, I know You love me. 날 찾으신 주 날 인도해 내 연약함까지 사랑하시네 Your holy presence, surrounding me. In every season, I know You love me You go before me, You shield my way. 주님의 임재 날 감싸며 늘 한결같이 사랑하시네 주 앞서가며 지키시네 Your Hand upholds me, I know You love me. And when the earth fades, falls from my eyes. And You stand before me, I know You love me. 날 ..
Jesus, lover of my soul Jesus, I will never let You go You've taken me from the miry clay You've set my feet upon the rock And now I know I love you, I need you Though my world may fall I'll never let You go My Savior, my closest Friend I will worship you until the very end 예수 내 영혼의 사랑 예수 나는 포기할 수 없네 수렁에서 나를 건지시고 반석에 세우심을 이제 아네 사랑해 의지해 나의 모든 것 다 없어진다해도 내 구주 절친한 친구 주를 경배해 세상 끝날까지 사랑해 의지해 나의 모든 것 ..
Jesus, what a beautiful name Son of God, 예수, 참 아름다운 이름 하나님의 아들, Son of Man Lamb that was slain사람의 아들 죽임당한 어린양Joy and peace, strength and hope기쁨과 평안, 힘과 소망Grace that blows all fear away모든 두려움을 몰아내는 은혜Jesus, what a beautiful name예수, 참 아름다운 이름Jesus, what a beautiful name예수, 참 아름다운 이름Son of God, Son of Man Lamb that was slain하나님의 아들, 사람의 아들 죽임당한 어린양Joy and peace, strength and hope기쁨과 평안, 힘과 소망Grace ..
-- Lyrics --I lay my life down at Your feetYou're the only one I need I turn to You and You are always there In troubled times it's You I seek I put You first that's all I need I humble all I am, all to You One way, Jesus You're the only one that I could live for One way, Jesus You're the only one that I could live for You are always, always there Every how and every where Your grace abounds..
I'm so very ordinary Nothing special on my own I have never walked on water I have never calmed a storm Sometimes I'm hiding away from the madness around me Like a child who's afraid of the dark 저는 매우 평범 해요 내 자신에게 특별한 것이 아무것도 없어요 난 물 위를 걸어본 적이 없어요 난 폭풍를 잠잠케 한적이 없어요 때때로 내 주변의 광기를 피해서 숨어 있어요 어둠을 두려워하는 아이처럼 But when I call on Jesus All things are possible I can mount on wings like eagles and soar W..

-- Lyrics --Better than the riches of this world Better than the sound of my friend's voices Better than the biggest dreams of my heart And that's just the startBetter than getting what I say I need Better than living the life that I want to Better than the love anyone could give Your love isYou hold me now in Your arms And never let me go You Oh Lord make the sun shine And the moon light in t..