-- Lyrics -- There's a place where mercy reigns and never dies There's a place where streams of grace flow deep and wide Where all the love I've ever found Comes like a flood Comes flowing down At the cross, at the cross I surrender my life I'm in awe of You I'm in awe of You Where Your love ran red And my sin washed white I owe all to You I owe all to You Jesus There's a place where sin and sha..
Title : I Lift My Hands Be still, there is a healer His love is deeper than the sea His mercy, it is unfailing His arms are a fortress for the weak Let faith arise Let faith arise I lift my hands to believe again You are my refuge, You are my strength As I pour out my heart, these things I remember You are faithful, God, forever Be still, there is a river That flows from Calvary's tree A fountai..
We bow our hearts We bend our kneesOh Spirit come make us humbleWe turn our eyes From evil thingsOh Lord we cast down our idolsSo give us clean hands and give us pure heartsLet us not lift our souls to anotherOh give us clean hands and give us pure heartsLet us not lift our souls to anotherOh God let this be a generation that seeksWho seeks Your face, Oh God of JacobOh God let us be a generation..
I will follow You I will follow You no turning back no turning back no turning back no turning back This is my heart cry Though none go with me The cross before me The world behind me (Repeat) I will follow You I will follow You No turning back No turning back No turning back No turning back This is my anthem My life for Your fame My every move bring Glory t..
Before the day Before the lightBefore the world revolved around the sunGod on high Stepped down into timeAnd wrote the story of His love for everyoneHe has filled our hearts with wonderSo that we always rememberYou and I were made to worshipYou and I are called to loveYou and I are forgiven and freeYou and I embrace surrenderYou and I choose to believeYou and I will see who we were meant to beAl..
We stand and lift up our handsFor the joy of the Lord is our strengthWe bow down and worship Him nowHow great, how awesome is HeAnd together we sing 일어나 두 손 들고 나의 힘이 되신 주님께엎드려 경배 드리세 크고 위대 하신 주 우리 모두 함께 찬양하세 Holy is the Lord God Almighty The earth is filled with His gloryHoly is the Lord God Almighty The earth is filled with His gloryThe earth is filled with His glory 거룩하신 주 전능의 주 주 영광 온 땅에 가득해거..
He became sin Who knew no sin That we might become His Righteousness He humbled himself and carried the crossLove so amazing Love so amazing죄 없으신 주님 죄인 되셨네우릴 의롭게 하시려고 겸손히 십자가를 지셨네그 사랑 놀라워 그 사랑 놀라워(Chorus) Jesus Messiah Name above all names Blessed Redeemer Emmanuel The rescue for sinners The ransom from Heaven Jesus Messiah Lord of all 예수 구원자 모든 이름 위에 뛰어난 이름송축하리 구속자 임마누엘죄인을 구하시려 하늘에서 오신예수 구원자 만유..
All hail the power of Jesus' nameLet angels prostrate fallBring forth the royal diademAnd crown Him Lord of allBring forth the royal diademAnd crown Him Lord of allYe chosen seed of Israel's raceYe ransomed from the fallHail Him who saves you by His graceAnd crown Him Lord of allHail Him who saves you by His graceAnd crown Him Lord of allRaise up the crown, rise on the praisesRest on the brow of..
All the way my Savior leads meWho have I to ask besideHow could I doubt His tender mercyWho through life has been my guideAll the way my Savior leads meCheers each winding path I treadGives me grace for every trialFeeds me with the living BreadYou lead me and keep me from fallingYou carry me close to Your heartAnd surely Your goodness and mercy will follow meAll the way my Savior leads meO, the ..