Oh Lord, You’ve searched me. You know my way. Even when I fail You, I know You love me. 날 찾으신 주 날 인도해 내 연약함까지 사랑하시네 Your holy presence, surrounding me. In every season, I know You love me You go before me, You shield my way. 주님의 임재 날 감싸며 늘 한결같이 사랑하시네 주 앞서가며 지키시네 Your Hand upholds me, I know You love me. And when the earth fades, falls from my eyes. And You stand before me, I know You love me. 날 ..
Jesus, lover of my soul Jesus, I will never let You go You've taken me from the miry clay You've set my feet upon the rock And now I know I love you, I need you Though my world may fall I'll never let You go My Savior, my closest Friend I will worship you until the very end 예수 내 영혼의 사랑 예수 나는 포기할 수 없네 수렁에서 나를 건지시고 반석에 세우심을 이제 아네 사랑해 의지해 나의 모든 것 다 없어진다해도 내 구주 절친한 친구 주를 경배해 세상 끝날까지 사랑해 의지해 나의 모든 것 ..
I'm so very ordinary Nothing special on my own I have never walked on water I have never calmed a storm Sometimes I'm hiding away from the madness around me Like a child who's afraid of the dark 저는 매우 평범 해요 내 자신에게 특별한 것이 아무것도 없어요 난 물 위를 걸어본 적이 없어요 난 폭풍를 잠잠케 한적이 없어요 때때로 내 주변의 광기를 피해서 숨어 있어요 어둠을 두려워하는 아이처럼 But when I call on Jesus All things are possible I can mount on wings like eagles and soar W..
I stand before You Lord and give you all my praiseYour love is all that I need Jesus you're all I needMy life belongs to You You gave Your life for meYour grace is all that I need Jesus You're all I needHold me in Your arms never let me goI want spend eternity with You..Now that You're near. Everything is differentEverythin's so different now I know I'm not the same my life you've changedI want ..